Wabi-Sabi Workshops:

Stained Glass Master Class

Learn to master the artistry of stained glass and find beauty in the imperfection…

Michael Rievley, founder and CEO of Wabi-Sabi Workshops, travels and teaches his tried and true methods of creating stunning stained glass panels through traditional leadwork with novice and advanced students alike.

Hot Glass Alley is proud to host such a master craftsman with over 40 years of experience as a guest artist in our gallery and provide our patrons in Charlotte, NC the opportunity to learn from his seasoned artistry.

Visit wabisabiworkshops.com to find out more information about Michael and his methods.

Book a Wabi-Sabi Workshop at Hot Glass Alley

Come join Master Stained Glass Craftsman, Michael Rievley, for one of his popular 2-day workshops. Students have traveled from almost every state and Canada to learn from this seasoned veteran of our ancient craft. You’ll be glad you did. Seriously.

Stained Glass Master Classes accept 2 students per 2-day workshop in creating lead cane stained glass panels. Students will get to choose from a variety of pre-selected stained glass patterns to create as you learn about the history of leaded glass, perfecting seamless lines, soldering techniques, and panel reinforcement.

This one-on-one approach to learning the Wabi-Sabi methods and techniques will leave you with a plethora of knowledge and a beautiful stained glass weather grade panel to take with you on your own journey into stained glass creation.

Total Cost: $1300

Deposit due at booking: $300

Due at time of class: $1000