“Seasons Of Life”
Growing Hope Through Art- Permanent art installation program
We are honored to announce a partnership with the Paula Takacs Foundation for Sarcoma Research who recently launched their new fundraising platform, Growing Hope Through Art, to raise awareness for sarcomas and reinforce the incredible healing power of art. As the first artist commissioned in the program, Jake will create "Seasons of Life". An 18-foot wide and 9-foot high glass tree made of colorful blown-glass wallflowers using the 4 seasons as a metaphor for the seasons of Jake’s cancer journey. Full health (summer), diagnosis (fall), treatment (winter), and renewal (spring). When fully underwritten, the art will be permanently gifted to the Levine Cancer Institute where it will reside in one of the highest traffic areas of the facility.
When donations open to the public, funds will be supporting the Paula Takacs Foundation’s mission to fund sarcoma research at Levine Cancer Institute and Levine Children’s Hospital. Stay tuned for more information from HGA.